Make sure that you’re reading your credit card statements and budgeting for the future. Staying disciplined and responsible with your money will go a long way in building a secure financial future. Finance for beginners doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Create a budget, set a savings plan, begin investing, and practice financial responsibility — and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier financial future.” “The world of payments has undergone a tremendous transformation over the past few decades. From cash to credit cards, from snail mail to email money transfers, from the checkbook to digital wallets, the payment landscape has changed drastically due to a combination of advances in technology, consumer preference and government regulations.
Cash has long been the dominant form of payment, being both easy to use and widely accepted. As technology advanced, the credit card was introduced in the 1950s and quickly gained popularity, eventually becoming a staple payment method. Credit cards offer convenience and allow consumers to access a line of credit. However, due to a variety of security issues such as chargebacks, merchants must pay a large fee to accept credit cards. The internet changed the way we pay for goods and services in the early 2000s. One of the most widely used forms of payment on the internet is the email money transfer. This method allows a user to transfer funds directly from one email address to another.
A key disadvantage of email money transfers is the lack of security; there is no guarantee that the money will reach the intended recipient, as it is not tracked. The next major innovation in payments is the digital wallet. Digital wallets provide a modern, secure and convenient way to pay. Digital wallets operate through existing payment cards such as credit and debit cards, but are stored in a secure digital format, making it easier, faster and more secure to make payments. Some digital wallets also offer contactless payments such as Apple Pay or Google Pay, allowing users to simply tap their phones at a register in order to pay. The most recent advancement in payments is the cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that exists on a decentralized network and is not governed by a central bank.